Minister of Web
Lord Chamberlain of Site
How2 contact the WebMinister.

If you have questions, suggestions, and/or observations of a technical nature relevant to this website (404s, errata, typos, omissions, aureoles...), please email our WebMinister and he will endeavor to respond to them promptly.

  Warning  >8^)
This website is completely volunteered. It is what it is for the price.
Altho one webpage philosophy holds that URL design must include Xtreme razzmatazz, we humbly disagree. You don't need MegaFrames, ShockingWaves, Flash-in-the-pan-Player, or Today'sRave to view our pages. Bells and whistles--here ain't none. We're keeping it simple in imitation of our Imperial Sovereign's royal residence in life.
Web content over pretense!
This site last updated 10 March 2007