3-11 June 1999 UCDavis staged original opera: Emperor Norton of the U.S.A.
The Davis Enterprise music critic, Marilyn Mantay, wrote on 27 May 1999:

"An operatic character waiting: for an opera."

That's how composer Jerome Rosen encapsulates Joshua Norton, hero of "Emperor Norton of the U.S.A.," Rosen's opera that premieres next week in the UC Davis Main Theater...

EmperorNorton.org's WebMinister experienced the production which contained the non-historic character of an Empress, as well as operatic singing which invariably commits depredation on our private person (esp. that time when none of the tunes were remotely humable).


16 Dec. 2004
Imperial Government of EmperorNorton ORGanized
Cyber nation-building continues...

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