13 September 1870 PROCLAMATION
WHEREAS, one Phillipmagilder Alamagoozalum Whangdoodlum Larryum Murrayum is engaged in plotting with conspirators to usurp our prerogatives and is a traitor to our person and scepter; and WHEREAS, all movements of such nature tend to weaken the stability of our government at home, and cause it to fall into contempt and ridicule with foreign Nations;
NOW, THEREFORE, we, Norton-1, Dei Gratia Emperor of the United States and Protector of Mexico, hereby decree that said Phillipmagilder Alamagoozalum Whangdoodlum Larryum Murrayum be appointed Chief of Police to ex-Emperor Louis Napoleon Bonaparte, and that he forthwith leave our realm to fill such an appointment.
September 13, 1870
Forged by Philip Magilder and Larry Murray


21 September 1870
WHEREAS, our friends and adherent are dissatisfied that we are not better lodged, and hold that we ought to have a suitable palace years ago;
WHEREAS, the treasonable proscriptive acts of some of the hotel keepers of this city have kept us out of decent rooms for our accomodations, so that we have been unable to make our family arrangements in order. NOW,
THEREFORE, we do hereby command the proprietors of the Grand Hotel to forthwith furnish us with rooms, under penalty of being banished.
September 21st, 1870.

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