16 July 1860 26 July 1860
WHEREAS, it is necessary for our Peace, Prosperity and Happiness, as also to the National Advancement of the people of the United States, that they should dissolve the Republican form of government and establish in its stead an Absolute Monarchy;
NOW, THEREFORE, WE, Norton-1, by the Grace of God Emperor of the Thirty-three states and the multitude of Territories of the United States of America, do hereby dissolve the Republic of the United States, and it is hereby dissolved;
And all laws made from and after this date, either by the National Congress or any State Legislature, shall be null and of no effect. All Governors, and all other persons in authority, shall maintain order by enforcing the heretofore existing laws and regulations until the necessary alterations can be effected. Given under our hand and seal, at Headquarters, San Francisco, this 26th day of July, 1860.


1 October 1860 – Decree from Norton-1 barred Congress from meeting in Washington, D.C.


5 February 1861– Norton-1 changed the place of his National Convention to Assembly Hall, Post and Kearny, because Platt’s Music Hall had burned.


Historic Note:
17 September 1861 – A new theater, Tucker’s Hall, opened with a performance of “Norton the First,” or "An Emperor for a Day."

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