21 December 1862
WE, Norton-1, do hereby decree that the offices of President, Vice President, and Speaker of the House of Representatives are, from and after this date, abolished.
WE further decree that the Senate of the United States elect a prominent Democrat as their presiding officer, to act as President until the next election, and to reconstruct the Cabinet according to our wishes hereafter to be declared.
Done at our palace this 21st day of December, A.D. 1862.
Some say that this was a forgery - Cf. Drury, 1986, p. 89
[Norton I, Emperor of the United States: A Biography of One of America's Most Colorful Eccentrics by William Drury (1986) Dodd, Mead & Co. Inc.]


Historic Note:
October 1863 – Death of Lazarus, NOT Emperor Norton’s dog.


Historic Note:
February 14, 1864 – Norton-1 arrived in Marysville to join celebration of opening a new railroad.


4 February 1865 (given as fictitious)
Owing to unsettled questions between His Majesty Maximilian I, EI Duque de Gwino, The Tycoon, the King of the Mosquitos, the King of the Cannibal Islands, &c., the usual display of bunting on foreign shipping and on public buildings, in commemoration of our 46th birthday, will be omitted. Feb. 4, 1865.

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