In view of the large number of emigrants coming to this city, and being
desirous that they shall be assisted and protected, we, Norton-1, emperor,
DO HEREBY order that the Mechanics' pavilion building
be immediately prepared for their reception and for transacting their
business in order that they may not be fleeced through the rapacity of
landlords. The state treasurer is also directed to see that the emigrants
are provided with sufficient money to proceed to their respective destinations,
and charge the same to the emigration fund, and take bonds from said emigrants
for the repayment of such moneys when able to do so.
at our city of San Francisco this 21st day of April, 1875.
December,1875 PROCLAMATION
The "emperor," recognizing the fact that the Star has the largest
circulation, handed us the following and requested its insertion:
WHEREAS, a war vessel belonging to our friend the emperor
of Japan is on a visit and is at present in our harbor; and whereas, we
are desirous of being courteous to strangers;
NOW, THEREFORE, we, Norton-1, Dei gratia emperor, do
hereby command all persons to show the officers and crew every attention,
so that commerce may be benefited thereby
Given under our royal hand and seal this 23d December,1875.
[We refrain from making inferences from His Majesty's
concern for sailors new in town.]
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